Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Final Project Storyboards and Description

Here are the storyboards for my project. Sorry that I had to take pictures of them, my scanner isn't working.

My final project will be an animated music video to the song Mean Mister Mustard by The Beatles. The song is about a man named Mr. Mustard and his mean demeanor and compared to his sister who works hard and is a “go-getter”. I am making Mr. Mustard an actual mustard bottle while his sister will be a honey mustard bottle. My animation will start with the line “Mean Mister Mustard sleeps in the park” with a shot of the mustard bottle asleep on a park bench at night. Little “z’s” will be coming out of his mouth and disappearing into the sky the higher they get. The next line “shaves in the dark to save paper” will move to a shot of Mr. Mustard with shaving cream on his face and looking into a mirror with the lights very dim. The shot will then change from a shot of an opened manhole on the road and will zoom into the hole to see Mr. Mustard asleep on the floor of the sewer as the line “sleeps in a hole on the road” is playing. The shot will then zoom back out, out of the hole and will pan up to show a boutique on the side of the road as “saving up to buy some clothes, keeps a ten bob note up his nose” is playing. There will then be a fade out and a fade back in to show Mr. Mustard walking down a sidewalk with an angry look on his face as he kicks down a trashcan when the lines “such a mean old man, such a mean old man” are playing.
The song then changes to talking about his sister, Honey Mustard (Pam). The lines “his sister Pam works in a shop, she never stops, she’s a go-getter” will play and will show Honey Mustard behind the counter of a store. She will then come out from behind the counter and will start sweeping the floor. My animation will then fade into another shot of a Ketchup bottle waving with wandering eyes and a throne behind her as. The animation will then pan out to show a castle behind the Ketchup bottle and a huge crowd in front of her. Coming from the crowd will be two speech bubbles that pop up and say “Boo” and “Hiss” as the lines “takes him out to look at the queen, only place he’s ever been, always shouts out something obscene” are playing. The last lines “such a dirty old man, such a dirty old man” will zoom into the crowd and show a close up of Honey Mustard and Mr. Mustard together with a crowd behind them. Honey Mustard will start to blush and look ashamed while the crowd behind them will all look in the direction of Mr. Mustard with a disapproving look on their face.

10/25: Create all characters on Photoshop, including extra bottles in the crowd, and the queens throne.
11/1: Create the clothes store, the store Honey Mustard works in, and the castle
11/8: Create park background, manhole and any other shrubbery included in backgrounds.
11/15: Put all elements together into After Effects and start animation
11/22: Finish all animation
11/29: Tighten all loose ends

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